Blog Archive
The thyroid plays a pivotal role in so many of your body’s processes, including reproduction, so yes, a thyroid disorder can affect your fertility. Women with thyroid disorders — whether overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism) — often struggle to conceive. Fortunately, thyroid-related fertility issues are more manageable than you might...
Your hormones have been all over the place since you conceived, so it’s not surprising that the spikes and dips may affect your body in more ways than one. In some women, pregnancy hormones block the body’s ability to use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels — a...
Losing weight is tough no matter how hard you try, so when the pounds melt away when you’re not trying, you’re right to be concerned. Even if you’re pleased with your looser jeans and slimmer waistline, unintentional weight loss is a red flag. Our board-certified physicians at The Endocrine Center...
Feeling persistently drained is more than just inconvenient — it’s life-altering. If you’re dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), the lack of answers about your condition is as frustrating as the constant tiredness. Researchers have several theories about what triggers CFS. Viral infections, immune system disorders, diabetes, nutrient deficiencies, and...
Whether you just won a load of cash or saw a snake slither across the floor, your body reacts physically to excitement, stress, and fear. From elevated blood pressure to dilated pupils, you can thank your adrenal glands for pumping out the necessary hormones that prep your body for action....
The pituitary gland might be small, but it plays a big role in your body. Often dubbed the “master gland,” it controls the hormones that affect growth, metabolism, and stress responses. Given its wide range of responsibilities, a damaged pituitary gland can be life-altering. Here, our team of board-certified endocrinologists...
Menopause is inevitable for most women in their 50s, but if you’re experiencing the symptoms years earlier, it’s time to find out why. Our board-certified specialists at The Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas, can help you get to the bottom of your premature hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and...
Parathyroid disease can sneak up on you and ransack your health and well-being. The symptoms are easy to dismiss or attribute to other causes, so parathyroid problems often go undiagnosed. At The Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas, our team sees this condition often, so we want to spread the word...
Everyone experiences a headache at some point. Whether a dull throb that accompanies stress or the sharper pain of a migraine attack, headaches are a universal affliction. If your go-to remedies are to pop an aspirin, rest, or apply a cold compress, you may overlook a lesser-known factor: vitamin D...
If you experience unexplained tingling lips, muscle spasms, or odd heart rhythms, your body might be giving you early warning signs of a calcium disorder, namely hypocalcemia. Here’s The Endocrine Center’s expert guide to hypocalcemia, its causes, and treatments. Hypocalcemia 101 Hypocalcemia means you have abnormally low levels of calcium...
Receiving an osteoporosis diagnosis can feel like a seismic shift in your life. Suddenly, you’re concerned about your bones’ ability to support you — something you’ve taken for granted until now. The upside to learning you have osteoporosis is that it gives you a chance to do something about it...
Lately, there’s been a lot of buzz surrounding semaglutide as a wonder medication that treats multiple conditions, from obesity and diabetes to heart disease and cancer. The question is, what makes semaglutide so intriguing? In the heart of Houston, Texas, our professional team at The Endocrine Center specializes in all...
From your underarms to your legs, you’ve devoted countless hours to removing unwanted hair as fast as it appears. Your daily routine has helped you stay a step ahead of the fuzz and stubble most of your life, but suddenly, you have hair in new places — why? We’re glad...
It doesn’t take an expert to know that testosterone plays essential roles in a man’s body, but not everyone understands this hormone’s roles and knows what to do when testosterone runs low. Some men fail to recognize the signs of low testosterone and suffer from the symptoms without seeking help....
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which your body attacks your cells and destroys your ability to produce insulin. Without enough insulin to convert the sugar in your blood into energy that your cells can use, the sugar stays in your bloodstream and wreaks havoc throughout your body....
Some women breeze through menopause with mild, barely noticeable symptoms, and others enter this inevitable life stage feeling attacked by a barrage of physical and mental changes that make them miserable. If you’re one of the latter, you’ve probably looked up how to relieve these disruptive symptoms and found more...
Low testosterone can do a job on you physically and emotionally. Men and women both produce testosterone, though men make more than women. This vital hormone regulates sex drive, muscle and bone health, energy levels, and mood. It even plays a role in fertility for both sexes. Many factors can disrupt...
Although scientists and researchers around the world are working hard to cure diabetes, until that day arrives, the best we can do is manage the symptoms. The good news is that many people with Type 2 diabetes have learned to stabilize their blood sugar — and, therefore, their diabetes symptoms — with...
You have plenty of problems to deal with when you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), including irregular periods, skin issues, unwanted hair growth or loss, and frequent headaches, but one of the lesser-known symptoms is an expanding waistline. In fact, overweight/obesity and PCOS have a two-way relationship that can trap you in a symptoms cycle...
If you believe the TV and social media ads, testosterone is all you need to regain your vitality. Indeed, your testosterone production diminishes as you age, and replacing it can improve some related symptoms, but testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) isn’t a fountain of youth, and it’s not suitable for everyone. To discover...
You probably don’t give your adrenal glands much thought and may not even realize when they’re not functioning properly, but your body shows the signs. That’s why it pays to brush up on your anatomy and learn everything you can about two types of adrenal disease: Addison’s and Cushing’s diseases,...
While your genes play a significant role in determining the size and strength of your bones at their maximum, there's still room for improvement. You can push yourself to reach your full bone mass potential through proper diet and exercise. So don't let your genetics limit you — with a...
Although there’s a wide range of variations, men and women have uniquely masculine and feminine features exclusive to their gender. For example, men have facial hair, more muscle mass, and deeper voices, and women have wider hips, larger breasts, and higher voices. When women begin to take on male features,...
When most people think of hormone imbalances, they think of estrogen and testosterone, but those aren’t the only hormones that can go rogue and cause problems. Your adrenal glands, which sit above your kidneys, produce the hormone cortisol in response to stress and danger and to rev up your metabolism,...
If you have Type 1 diabetes, you’re no stranger to constant health checks. You test your blood glucose several times a day, manage insulin and other medications, calculate carbs every time you eat, monitor your mental health, work in daily exercise, and constantly play diabetes detective to figure out why you’re...
Your thyroid is a gland in your neck that produces hormones that regulate your metabolism. That means they’re responsible for helping you process the food you eat and turn it into energy. Metabolism involves two simultaneous actions: building up muscle and energy and breaking down tissues to make room for more energy...
About 10% of women of childbearing age experience polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a metabolic and hormonal problem that may contribute to infertility. If you have PCOS and want to get pregnant, we can help. Our experienced, board-certified specialists at The Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas, expertly diagnose your condition and...
You might not think much about nutrient deficiencies. Even if you have one, the symptoms can be so ambiguous that you attribute them to something else, such as stress or an irregular sleep schedule. But it’s a good idea to brush up on why certain nutrients are so important to...
No one has to tell you about the many annoying symptoms of menopause — you’re experiencing them up close and personal. But you may be at your wit’s end trying to figure out how to cope, and you’re not alone. At its core, menopause is a hormonal issue, and hormones...
Reaching and maintaining a normal weight can be frustrating under the best of circumstances. But if you’re battling unseen, unknown sources, it can seem downright impossible. If you suspect there’s something more to losing weight than eating a healthy diet, you’re probably right. We invite you to talk with our...
Once you get Type 2 diabetes, you have it for life or until there’s a cure. But for some people, there may be a way to cheat diabetes and reverse its effects. Our team at The Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas, has been studying diabetes and helping people manage its symptoms for many years, and...
Teachers, public speakers, cheerleaders, and singers are all at risk for voice hoarseness because they overuse, misuse, and strain their vocal cords daily. With rest, the problem usually subsides. A cold or any other upper respiratory infection can also lead to temporary laryngitis. But when you have a hoarse voice...
Considering the current world population and looking back on the span of human history, it would seem that pregnancy is not only natural, but easy and uncomplicated. Yet more than 6 million women in the United States alone have trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant. Fertility problems stem from a wide range...
Bruises, also called contusions, form when an injury damages your blood vessels and makes them leak. It can happen to anyone at any age, and it typically takes a hard blow or a serious fall to generate enough pooling blood to create purple, blue, or black bruises. If you’re getting...
Most people know that diabetes is a chronic condition that messes with your blood sugar, but it may surprise you to learn that pregnant women are susceptible to a temporary, but serious, form of the disease called gestational diabetes. At The Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas, our team of board-certified physicians understands the potential complications...
You need calcium to keep your body strong and functional, so it’s a good thing calcium is the most abundant mineral in your system. This mighty mineral helps your blood clot, your blood vessels contract and dilate, your nerves transmit signals, your muscles flex and relax, and your organs secrete...
Like all autoimmune diseases, Type 1 diabetes causes your body to attack itself. In this case, it targets the cells in your pancreas that normally produce insulin. Without insulin to regulate the sugar in your blood, your glucose rises to dangerous levels and puts you at risk for damage to...
There are several things you can do to keep your bones strong and healthy — get plenty of exercise, lift weights, eat lots of protein and calcium, and watch your weight. But it might surprise you to learn that vitamin D is also a key player. In this post, our...
Your thyroid hormones process proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; regulate your body temperature; maintain healthy blood pressure; and stabilize your heart rate. So if your thyroid malfunctions, it causes a chain reaction of symptoms throughout your body. About 20 million people in the United States suffer from thyroid disease, but it’s...
Menopause brings on a whole new phase of life, and it’s not all bad. You stop having to deal with monthly periods, and you don’t need to think about birth control anymore. But most women also experience a series of uncomfortable symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal atrophy and dryness, lower...
If you're a man who doesn’t have enough testosterone coursing through your veins, the effects are unmistakable: low libido, erectile dysfunction, shrinking muscles, and fatigue — to name a few. It’s a fairly common condition that’s often easily treatable, but it depends on the cause. Our team of specialists at...
There’s no cure for osteoporosis. But there is hope. At the Endocrine Center, we believe honesty is the best and only place to start because it allows you to focus on what can be done. And when it comes to osteoporosis — a condition that robs your bones of precious...
Some chronic medical conditions are unavoidable. Things that are beyond your control, such as genetics, environmental factors, and accidents can lead to lifelong medical issues. But some conditions are preventable, including Type 2 diabetes — at least you can reduce your risk. In this post, our team of experts at...
Parathyroid disease, also known as hyperparathyroidism, occurs when your parathyroid glands become overactive and begin pumping out high quantities of parathyroid hormone (PTH). Because PTH regulates the amount of calcium in your blood, an increase in the hormone equals an increase in calcium, a condition called hypercalcemia. Our experienced team...
Except for the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands, your body is covered with hair. There are two main types: vellus, the fine peach fuzz that you usually don’t notice, and terminal, the kind on your head, your pubic area and armpits, and your face (eyelashes,...
From salivation to perspiration, your body relies on glands to carry out many vital functions. Your endocrine system contains eight main glands to keep it running smoothly: Hypothalamus Pineal body Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Pancreas Ovary or testis Adrenal These glands secrete hormones that control energy levels, metabolism, sexual function, growth...
When it comes to chemicals and nutrients, your body is very particular. It functions best when everything is balanced and in the right quantities. When your hormones are slightly out of whack, you see the signs right away. The same is true when you have too much or too little...
Though present in both men and women, testosterone is often called the male hormone because men have a much higher percentage than women. Testosterone surges during puberty and is critical in the development of distinctly male features — a deeper voice, facial and body hair, muscle strength, and sperm. As...
Having cholesterol numbers that fall outside the normal range doesn’t have any obvious symptoms, so it may have slipped your attention. But it’s worth a look because too much or too little cholesterol in your system can have some serious consequences. Here at the Endocrine Center in Houston, Texas, our...
Millions of Americans suffer from osteoporosis, which is a dramatic decrease in bone density. In fact, after the age of 50, one in three women and one in five men will end up with an osteoporosis-related fracture during their lifetime. So, the pressing question is: Can you prevent osteoporosis, or...
Diabetes is a widespread health problem that can lead to potentially dangerous complications. While approximately 10% of Americans have diabetes, nearly a third have prediabetes and might not even know their health is at risk. If you have concerns about diabetes or a recent diagnosis, there is good news. In...
From the American Diabetes Association: “November is #AmericanDiabetesMonth. It’s our chance to show the world what life with diabetes is really like. Every year, our community comes together to ring the alarm on the diabetes epidemic. For the millions of us who are at risk for it, it’s a time...
What is Menopause? Menopause occurs when the ovaries steadily decline in the amount of estrogen they produce over time. This usually occurs in women in their 40s to 50s during which their menstrual periods come to an end. Menopause occurs gradually over several years and most women experience various symptoms...
What is low T? Male hypogonadism, also known as low T (low testosterone), is a common problem in males with our modern lifestyle. When women undergo a lot of stress like sickness, weight loss, death in the family, etc., the female will stop ovulating and her period will stop suddenly...
What is Hypercalcemia? Hypercalcemia is a disorder of calcium homeostasis with an excessive amount of calcium in the blood/serum. It can have many causes including some as benign as eating or drinking excessive calcium or being on too high of a supplement of calcium to more in depth reasons like...
What is fatigue? Fatigue is a nonspecific term usually used to describe various symptoms including generalized weakness, difficulty in initiating or continuing day to day activities, difficulty with concentration or memory, difficulty with emotional stability and even daytime sleepiness. Some may even be given a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Symdrome....
Have you ever been diagnosed with a thyroid nodule or goiter? These are very common. A thyroid nodule is a lump in the thyroid, and the word goiter simply means the thyroid is enlarged. Most nodules don’t cause any symptoms and are found during routine examination or on scans done...
What are the Parathyroid Glands? The parathyroid glands are four tiny glands in the neck on the underside of the thyroid gland. They produce parathyroid hormone, which is responsible for regulating blood calcium and phosphorus levels. Primary hyperparathyroidism is a condition characterized by high parathyroid hormone levels due to enlarged...
Before starting today’s post, we wanted to first urge all of our existing and future patients to stay safe. Houston has been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and we want all of our patients to know that we still recommend observing all possible precautions against community spread including...
Mask Shortage During this national health emergency for COVID-19, we are facing a mask shortage affecting all of our healthcare providers around the country. In an effort to assist our colleagues in being able to provide the high level care that the country needs, we wanted to make a short...
An open letter to all of our Endocrine Center patients As questions and concerns arise about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we wanted to spend today sharing our policy surrounding the disease. In an attempt to protect all of our patients from community spread, we will begin phone screening patients during...
The parathyroid: The parathyroid gland is the chief regulator of calcium and phosphorous in the body. Maintaining calcium levels in a normal range is important for bone health, muscular health and appropriate neurological function. Typically 4 in number, these small glands sit directly on top of the thyroid gland in the...
A Message to our Patients On February 13, 2020, the FDA issued a drug safety message requesting withdrawal of Belviq (generic name lorcaserin) from the US market as a result of post-marketing studies that showed a small increased risk of cancer in patients who were taking Belviq. A small subset...
Today’s blog post is an informational piece about reactive hypoglycemia from Dr. Maria Lee. Dr. Lee practices out of two of our Houston area locations. Signs and Symptoms of Reactive Hypoglycemia Reactive hypoglycemia is a disorder in which the pancreas overreacts to ingested carbohydrates by releasing an exaggerated amount of...
In today’s blog, I am going to talk about the research here at The Endocrine Center. We are conducting state of the art diabetes and low testosterone (low T) research studies in the Houston area. By involving our group of doctors in the research, our diabetes specialists get the chance...
Today, we are going to talk about Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s Disease. What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? This is a very common problem here in Houston, Texas. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the thyroid tissue, trying to destroy it. Hashimoto’s is a common illness that endocrinologists encounter...
DEAR NEW DIABETIC PATIENTS, Research shows that the vast majority of patients newly diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type II or Prediabetes already had significant CVD “Cardiovascular disease” at the time of diagnosis. CVD is narrowing or blockage of blood vessels that supply blood flow to the heart, kidney, brain and...